Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Quilting Kick

My new love is....


My craft space, compared to before, is the size of a football field. I feel like I won the craft lottery and moved into a craft castle. It's great! My sewing machine now sits tall and proud on a large table in my upstairs funroom. It no longer hides in the closet.

I'm absorbed in the joy of sewing. It all started about a month ago when I bought myself a quilting kit for kids. What fun!! Super simple, fun instructions and all supplies included. After that, I immediately ran to the fabric store (there are so many good ones in Portland), picked out the most irresistible fabrics I could find, and started sewing away with my new tricks. Here's a funny threesome wallhanging that I sewed.

I guess you can't really call it quilting unless there is batting in the middle and you sew lines over the whole thing, but what-ev. It's basically like quilting cause it's sewing together pretty, pretty fabrics to make a flat design. I'm really inspired by a famous quilter named Denyse Schmidt who designs with an irregular, awkward look that I love.

Kathleen, remember when you had all of those juicy, wonderful fabric scraps from quilting? Do you still have those? (I hear you're coming to Portland in December... hint hint.)

On another exciting note, last week I had a craft night at my house. A handful of my girlfriends came over and it was so fun! This is something I'd love to have monthly or so. Below, Stacey works on a dazzling top she is sewing for herself. Nicky is doing some collaging with paint, dirt, and flower pedals. It's so much more fun to craft together. Craft on, ladies!


Anonymous said...


Those wall hangings are beautiful! I especially like the little squares!

Courtney said...

Oh for Fun!

Kathleen said...

I believe I do still have those juicy bits of fabric. And it is true that I am coming to Portland. Hmmmm. I love the three square wall hangings! I can hardly wait to get to Portland. Lets have craft time in your craft field.

Felicia said...

Very pretty :)