I love it when someone takes a bad thing and makes a good thing out of it. When I first heard the name of the movie, I thought I was hearing things. Most people wouldn't associate cancer with anything fun and sexy. Cancer sucks, right? It's not a fun thing. I'm one who fantasizes about a world where illness and death is not such an uncomfortable topic, so I ran to my computer and googled these three words. When I learned about Crazy Sexy Cancer I was refreshed. What a strong girl! By putting herself out there in such a positive way, she is helping cancer, and all of it's associated suckiness, to be just a little more approachable. Oh thank goodness.
I am so inspired. Seriously. The quality of shows on cable TV is amazing. And no I'm not serious about that.
Sounds like a truly inspirational show. I'll have to Tivo it.
I caught this film one night, and kept my eyes pried open, as the TV flickered in the dark and Mary slept. It was well worth it.
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