There's lots of reasons why I'm excited for Folklife. Aside from all the fiddle hulabaloo, this will be the 3rd year in a row that Cross-eyed Rosie is performing and I'm excited to sell our new CD. It will be warm and sunny. But the most fabulous part is that this year I do not have to drive 3.5 hours to get to Folklife. In fact, I live in the same neighborhood and I can walk there. Seattle is huge and not many people live right by Seattle Center. How LUCKY can I be? The band is coming to me for my favorite festival. I've been waiting for Folklife ever since we moved here.
I plan on just kickin' it there all weekend, soaking it in. Lots of Portlanders are coming up. My friends Finn and Abby are staying at our place. Their all-girl

Last year at Folklife, I took a picture of a girl hooping while playing violin. I was jealous of her coolness, so I photoshopped my own head over hers. I disguised myself for an online photo directory for a music community that I am part of. Coulda fooled you, right? :)
yeehaww, Folklife Everyday for the next four days at least.
"are we really related?:)"
ever been to amidon, nd? :)
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