My entire Memorial Day weekend was spent at Folklife, just as planned, and it was beyond all my expectations of fun. Today I am beat from all the running around. My favorite thing this year was the workshops, which I floated to and from with glee. I went to a Scottish fiddle workshop and decided that I want to learn more Scottish. I got Ziegy to go with me to salsa and swing dancing workshops. By myself I went to an Appalachian clogging workshop and a bellydancing workshop. They're really different--bellydancing is more my style.
There are 25 stages at Folklife. This is the stage that Cross-eyed Rosie played on. Our set was high energy and well received and I'm so honored to have gotten to perform again. Directly after our set was the lovely and fabulous fiddle player Hanneke Cassel and meeting her was one of my favorite moments of the weekend.
Aside from the over-the-top music and dancing, I saw many friends over the weekend. I'm trying to cherish my Seattle friendships because I know I won't be here much longer. And I bought myself some cute clothes for my birthday (which is tomorrow!). This green top I'm wearing is from Xylem Clothing in Oregon and it's the most comfortable thing in the whole wide world.
Being able to go to Folklife (which is free I might add) is the best birthday present this girl could ask for!!
It's time.... for Northwest Folklife!! This is my favorite weekend of the year. It's 4 whole days of thousands of happy people gathering at the beautiful Seattle Center to relish in all kinds of music. Lots of performances, art, dances, and workshops. Any fiddle player is in heaven, especially me for some reason. Ziegy remembers me saying last year, "I wish everyday was Folklife!"
There's lots of reasons why I'm excited for Folklife. Aside from all the fiddle hulabaloo, this will be the 3rd year in a row that Cross-eyed Rosie is performing and I'm excited to sell our new CD. It will be warm and sunny. But the most fabulous part is that this year I do not have to drive 3.5 hours to get to Folklife. In fact, I live in the same neighborhood and I can walk there. Seattle is huge and not many people live right by Seattle Center. How LUCKY can I be? The band is coming to me for my favorite festival. I've been waiting for Folklife ever since we moved here.
I plan on just kickin' it there all weekend, soaking it in. Lots of Portlanders are coming up. My friends Finn and Abby are staying at our place. Their all-girl band, Chickweed ("high-octane bluegrass"), is also performing.
Last year at Folklife, I took a picture of a girl hooping while playing violin. I was jealous of her coolness, so I photoshopped my own head over hers. I disguised myself for an online photo directory for a music community that I am part of. Coulda fooled you, right? :)
You know how sometimes you just want a sock for your toe? ..... Well, maybe not. Anyway, this is my latest thing that I knitted while hanging out at my mom's comfy, sunny townhouse in St. Paul, MN. I was wanting to try knitting with little needles, something I've never done before. It was fun! The tightness is rad. No more loosey-goosey stitches slipping off the double-pointed needles. I like that. And suprisingly my toe sock came out just the shape of my toe! Now my toe will be clean and warm. And cute too!
My mom knitted me socks for my birthday (which is May 30). She only had one sock finished when I was home, but now I hear they are done. Mom, have you mailed them yet? I am excited!