Needletune needs new pictures. Since I have to hold off on showing off what I made, here's a pair of random musings about photos I found in the computer.
Here is a my silly friend Kari from college, who I recently bonded with while she was living in Astoria, Oregon (where "The Goonies" was filmed). Her house was on a hill overlooking the ocean. It had what appeared to be the Golden Gate Bridge out the front door. Breathtaking! But in return for the beauty, she had the shortest shower in the world. An elf shower. This is what she had to do if she didn't feel like going to the gym to take a shower.
Isn't this pretty? It was taken by our little camera just a few weeks ago. I bet you have no idea what it is. I'm not telling. heh. Any ideas? Leave me a comment and tell me what you think it is. If you're right, you'll be my new best friend! If you are wrong, Needletune points for you for effort.
It's late, I'm all crafted out. Good night.